The Institute is an ideal place to work as a postdoctoral researcher. You will benefit from our flexible laboratory space, good connections with industry, and all the advantages of working in a world class university.
There is a lively group of students in the Institute ranging from:
To learn more about the different courses of study please read the more detailed descriptions of specific research projects or contact the relevant staff in the Institute.
We have an annual competition for Institute PhD Scholarships — these are fully funded PhD studentships for 3.5 years, open to candidates in all areas of fluid flow and surface science, related to the activities of the Institute.
We welcome applications for the scholarships, which should include a one-page CV including a statement of university exam results. Candidates should also submit a one page summary of their broad area of research interest, perhaps drawing on information about possible PhD research in the Institute, or they may propose a specific research project, again as a one page summary. Please also let us have the names of two referees (eg your director of studies, supervisors or tutors).
We encourage candidates to discuss their research plans with members of the Institute faculty. The successful candidates will be supervised by one (or more) of the Institute faculty, and will be registered in one of the parent departments of the Institute.
Please submit applications to Catherine Pearson, preferably by the end of December for full consideration.
Once you have arranged to study or work at the Institute, please complete the Registration form below and return to us according to the instructions on the form. If possible, the form should please be returned at least 7 days before you arrive on site. When we receive your Registration form, we will generate login details for you so that you can access our Induction page. Once you have received these details, please visit the Induction page for further instructions.